Welcome to Biomagnet Canada and Verose Therapy!

Disclaimer: Just as any holistic therapy, Verose Therapy is a complementary supportive emotional therapy, not a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment, in cases where medical attention is needed, please contact your medical services provider.

For more information on Biological Decoding, Biomagnetism, Psychogenealogy, Hypnotherapy or NLP therapy sessions click on the button to connect through WhatsApp message chat

How can Biological Decoding, Hypnotherapy and
Neuro Linguistic Programming help me?

Hi, I’m GinaI am holistic therapist dedicated to guide clients from all over the world to improve their lives by removing mind limitations and external interference that prevents you from being able to create, step into and live happily and freely the best version of yourself. 

When was the last time that you felt you had control of your life decisions? 

Well, you’d be surprised to learn you didn’t make those decisions consciously, therefore, you didn’t make those decisions out of your own free will, your subconscious programs and self limiting beliefs did.

My job is to figure out and help you understand the biological language implicit in your physical, emotional or psychological symptoms through body scanning and one on one investigation of your case, and together we will be able to help you heal, to design and reprogram a better and more satisfactory way of living consciously and intentionally “The Ultimate You”.

“Ultimate you” refers to the ideal version of oneself, characterized by optimal physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. Achieving the ultimate you requires a holistic approach that encompasses healthy habits and practices in all aspects of life. This includes being able to focus on everything you always wanted “The best self-care there is”: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and social connection.

By removing the obstacles and interferences with the help of the reprogramming techniques, like ocular movement, Hypnotherapy or NLP, you will be able to committing to a healthy lifestyle and making positive choices in all areas of life, it is possible to achieve the ultimate you and experience greater levels of wellbeing and fulfillment.

Improving health by Biomagnetism Therapy

Biomagnetism therapy is an alternative medical practice that uses pairs of magnets of opposite polarity to balance the body’s pH and eliminate pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The therapy is based on the idea that many diseases are caused by imbalances in the body’s pH levels and the presence of pathogens that disrupt normal cellular functions.

During a biomagnetism therapy session, the practitioner places pairs of magnets on specific points of the body. The magnets create a magnetic field that neutralizes the pH level of the affected area, which can help to eliminate the pathogens that are causing the disease.

The therapy is non-invasive and painless, and there are no side effects. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including allergies, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, digestive problems, and chronic pain.



During a typical 2 hour online or in-person session we go through your scan results to evaluate how conscious or unconscious you were to the conflict/blockage to understand the areas that need improvement. We start by working on figuring out the most suitable technique to challenge your limitations, open your view to a new perspective and reprogram the identified self-limiting belief in order to instal and continue strengthening a new positive program that will immediately make you feel more confident about what you want in life, find the drive and direction that you needed for you achieve your goals and acquire the desired results. At the end of the session we will perform a re-evaluation scanning that will indicate if you need to follow up with a homework exercise or take a homeopathic remedy for the next 2 to 3 weeks. The bioenergetic alignment can also be done through distance sessions.

Tools and resources implemented during each session:

Biological Decoding    Emotion Code Technique 

Bioenergetic response  Biomagnetism

Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming


1:1 Consultation

2 hour online or in-person session training that includes scanning of conflicts and blockages, one on one patient history investigation, bioenergetic alignment, and homeopathic remedy

Groups & events

Join a monthly group meditation circle or a meet up event. Socialize with like minded individuals


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Yes, life happens, but life can't only be about stress managing...
Mind work is a proactive and positive step to take control back and have a chance to reshape the path to a better future!

The concept behind Biological Decoding and The New Germanic Medicine

Biological decoding is about understanding what biological conflicts we experience when we are under stress and how these conflicts affect our body if we are unable to release the accumulated stress. The origins of this therapy can be found in the book the 5 biological laws or any book on New German Medicine.

  Biological decoding uses a direct emotional approach in order to discover biological conflicts and their co-relation to symptoms and illnesses. 

It is basic to understand that before the appearance of a symptom; whether it is physical or some other type of problem; the person has experienced a biological conflict, also called “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” or bioshock. The biological conflict is typically an isolating, unexpected, and dramatic experience which is perceived to have no solution and that is not expressed.

  A symptom appears as a response to a particular necessity of the body to be able to adapt to the unresolved conflict. Each type of conflict or problem will be expressed in a specific organ, because the stress needs to be externalized. The pathologies and the limitations that we experience are not against us, on the contrary, they are elements that help us to understand the ecosystem in which we live, our symptoms help us to resolve conflicts. According to Biological Decoding, our body is always on our side.

Therefore, Biological Decoding is about learning to speak the language of the body. Each symptom is a word in this language and has a function, it has a purpose to fulfill. According to the function that the symptom is trying to fulfill, biological decoding practitioners guide the person through their life experiences to find out when the symptom appeared as a solution to a problem experienced by the organism.

It is important to understand that emotions that are not properly processed or expressed, or that are repressed, will generate a considerable amount of stress inside our organism creating disease.

For more information on New German Medicine refer to books by: 

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Heidelberg, Germany

Psychogenealogy a Transgenerational Therapy aimed at Healing the Inherited Burden

Transmission of trauma through generations is something that is talked about more frequently both in the field of social psychology and in the field of Gestalt psychotherapy. Both disciplines have studied this phenomenon independently and have come to similar or equal interventions focused on healing individuals, groups and societies. The comprehensive experience from research, intervention programs and Gestalt psychotherapy proves the importance of recognizing the needs of individuals for creating suitable interventions adapted to the specific contest that they are repeating through generations as transference and counter-transference where transgenerational trauma like ghosts, are intensely present through their absence.

  Both Psychogenealogy and Transgeneragional Therapy are powerful therapeutic tools for exploring the ways in which a person’s life may be influenced by their ancestors and healing the dysfunctional scripts they may unconsciously be repeating.

Unprocessed traumatic events find a way of manifesting themselves in subsequent generagtions and resurfacing in the present.

We repeat what we don’t repair. Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy clarify patterns of invisible loyalty and help the client reflect on the unconscious identification with their ancestors in order to break the cycles of painful repetition, deal with unresolved legacies and heal emotional wounds. 

In her pioneer work on Psychogenealogy, Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger (author of -The Ancestor Syndrome), wrote that “as mere links in a chain of generations, we may have no choice in having the events and traumas experienced by our ancestors visited upon us in our own lifetime”  

For more information regarding Psychogenealogy search for its more prominent author:

Dr. Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger

Paris, France

Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming, as therapeutic and brain modelling tools to achieving human excellence

There is surprising health benefits that can be achieved by the use and combination of two powerful mind shaping tools like Hypnotherapy and NLP. From releasing stress and encouraging relaxation to overcoming mental blocks, changing habits and also battling problems like trouble sleeping, soothe anxiety responses, fobias, chronic pain, among many other beneficial emotional states that can be achieved as you continue working on changing behaviours and even resolve medical concerns by engaging the subconscious mind to reinforce positive  programs to create a positive blueprint for our minds.

We are able to make changes and reprogram incorrect and self limiting beliefs that we have accepted about ourselves, about other people and about the world we live in. These incorrect or maladaptive beliefs shape the stories we tell ourselves. In turn, our personal stories, actions and reactions to life according to that perception of ourselves and the world, affect our outlook on life and our conscious perspective.

  Such negative and self limiting beliefs have filled us in with assumptions that we accepted in the trances of early life (during sensitive phases of development) can contribute to anxiety, depression and unhappiness throughout our adult lives. “I am not good enough”, “I have to be perfect”, “The world is a dangerous place”, “Something’s wrong with me”, “People can’t be trusted”, “Life is unfair”, etc.

In NLP reprogramming or in Hypnotic inductions, we use the breath as a vehicle for progressive relaxation and we offer positive suggestions to the subconscious.

Hypnosis and NLP are accessed through a state of focused attention and receptivity which can be an extremely useful tool for individuals wishing to master certain abilities and accomplish specific tasks. In clinical hypnosis, you are focused and aware of your environment. People describe that state as pleasant, calming, clearly remembered experience which involves a state of relaxed consciousness where you can reshape and create the foundations for the change that you need in your life. 

For mor information regarding Hypnotherapy and NLP research books by:

Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder

United States of America

Achieve extraordinary life balance